How Long Does it Take to Grow Cannabis? A Complete Guide for Growers

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Growing cannabis is a rewarding journey, but it requires patience, care, and time. One of the most common questions new growers ask is, “How long does it take to grow cannabis?” The answer isn’t straightforward, as the time it takes to grow cannabis depends on several factors, including the strain, growing conditions, and cultivation methods.

In this blog post, we will break down the different stages of cannabis growth and provide an estimated timeline for each. Whether you’re growing cannabis indoors or outdoors, this guide will give you a clear understanding of what to expect at every step of the process.

The Key Stages of Cannabis Growth

Cannabis goes through several distinct growth stages, each with its own timeframe and requirements. Below is an overview of the key stages of cannabis growth:

  1. Germination
  2. Seedling Stage
  3. Vegetative Stage
  4. Flowering Stage
  5. Harvest

1. Germination (1 to 7 Days)

The first step in growing cannabis is germinating the seeds. During germination, the seed absorbs water and begins to sprout, developing a taproot and pushing through the soil. Germination can take anywhere from 24 hours to 7 days, depending on the seed’s viability and the conditions in which it’s germinated.

How to Germinate Cannabis Seeds:

  • Place the seeds between damp paper towels or directly in soil.
  • Keep them in a warm, dark place.
  • Once the seed sprouts a root (usually within a few days), it is ready to be planted.

2. Seedling Stage (2 to 3 Weeks)

After germination, the cannabis plant enters the seedling stage, where it begins to develop its first true leaves and starts to grow rapidly. This stage lasts for approximately 2 to 3 weeks. During this period, your plant is vulnerable and requires proper care to establish strong roots and healthy growth.

What Happens During the Seedling Stage:

  • The plant develops its first few sets of leaves.
  • Roots begin to grow and establish themselves in the soil.
  • The plant requires light and nutrients but must be kept from overwatering.

3. Vegetative Stage (3 to 16 Weeks)

The vegetative stage is when the cannabis plant experiences the most growth. This stage can last anywhere from 3 to 16 weeks, depending on the strain and your growing conditions. The vegetative phase is crucial because it determines the plant’s size, strength, and overall health before it enters the flowering stage.

Key Aspects of the Vegetative Stage:

  • The plant focuses on growing leaves, stems, and roots.
  • Indoor growers often keep plants in this stage by using 18-24 hours of light per day.
  • Outdoor growers depend on the natural light cycle, where the vegetative stage lasts until the days begin to shorten.
  • This is the time to start training your plants for better yields (techniques like topping or low-stress training).

Factors that Affect the Length of the Vegetative Stage:

  • Strain: Indica strains tend to have shorter vegetative periods compared to sativas.
  • Growing Environment: Indoor growers can control the light cycle to extend or shorten this stage.
  • Desired Plant Size: The longer the vegetative stage, the larger the plant will grow, resulting in potentially larger yields.

4. Flowering Stage (8 to 12 Weeks)

The flowering stage is when your cannabis plants start to produce buds, which is the part of the plant that contains cannabinoids like THC and CBD. The flowering stage lasts about 8 to 12 weeks, although this can vary based on the strain.

What Happens During the Flowering Stage:

  • The plant shifts its focus from growing leaves and stems to developing flowers.
  • It requires a 12-hour light cycle (for indoor grows) or the natural reduction of daylight in outdoor environments.
  • The buds will begin to form and gradually grow larger and denser.

Flowering Stage Breakdown:

  • Early Flowering (Weeks 1 to 3): The plant begins to show signs of flowers, but it’s still growing.
  • Mid-Flowering (Weeks 4 to 6): Buds become more pronounced, and the plant stops growing vertically.
  • Late Flowering (Weeks 7 to 9+): Buds reach their full size, and resin production peaks. Trichomes (tiny resin glands) turn cloudy or amber, indicating the optimal time to harvest.

5. Harvest (1 Week)

Harvesting your cannabis plant is the most rewarding part of the growing process. Knowing when to harvest is crucial for ensuring the best potency and flavor. This stage typically lasts about a week, as it involves cutting down the plants, trimming the buds, and preparing them for the drying process.

When to Harvest:

  • Look for the right color in the trichomes. When they are milky white with some turning amber, it’s the perfect time to harvest.
  • The pistils (hairs on the buds) should be mostly orange or brown.

After harvesting, the buds will need to be dried and cured, which can take an additional 1 to 3 weeks.

Factors That Affect Cannabis Growth Time

While the timeline provided above gives a general idea of how long it takes to grow cannabis, several factors can influence the total grow time:

  1. Strain Type:
  • Indica strains: Typically grow faster, with a shorter vegetative and flowering stage.
  • Sativa strains: Often take longer to grow, particularly during the flowering stage.
  • Autoflower strains: These varieties flower based on age, rather than light cycles, and are generally much faster, with a total grow time of 8 to 12 weeks.
  1. Growing Method:
  • Indoor Growing: Gives you control over light cycles and environmental factors, allowing for a more predictable and sometimes faster grow.
  • Outdoor Growing: Relies on natural light cycles, meaning the vegetative and flowering stages follow the seasons.
  1. Growing Environment:
  • Temperature, humidity, light, and nutrients all affect the growth rate. Proper conditions will help the plant grow efficiently, while poor conditions can slow down the process or cause health issues.
  1. Grower’s Experience:
  • Experienced growers can often streamline the process, identifying and resolving issues more efficiently, leading to faster and healthier growth.

Total Grow Time: A Recap

Here’s a quick overview of how long it typically takes to grow cannabis:

  • Germination: 1 to 7 days
  • Seedling Stage: 2 to 3 weeks
  • Vegetative Stage: 3 to 16 weeks
  • Flowering Stage: 8 to 12 weeks
  • Harvest: 1 week

Total time from seed to harvest can range from 3 to 7 months, depending on the strain, growing method, and other factors.

Conclusion: Patience is Key

Growing cannabis is a time-intensive process that requires careful planning, attention to detail, and patience. The total time to grow cannabis can vary widely based on your strain choice, growing conditions, and the method you use. While it may seem like a long journey, the reward of harvesting high-quality cannabis is well worth the wait.

Remember, the key to a successful grow is understanding each stage of the plant’s life cycle and providing the optimal environment to support its development. Whether you're growing for personal use or planning a commercial crop, taking the time to do it right will ensure a bountiful and high-quality harvest.

Happy growing!